Become a member of HJL and vote in the upcoming board elections september 2019!
Anyone who is a resident of the State of Georgia who agrees to uphold the Mission Statement, Code of Conduct, Purposes & Objectives, and to comply with the Bylaws of Housing Justice League may become a member. Members guide our work and sustain the organization financially. Membership-sustaining dues are on a sliding scale based on income.
If you have questions regarding membership, email the HJL Membership Working Group at
Membership Benefits: Ability to vote; Initiate HJL Campaign or an “Organizing Group”; Access to trainings and conferences; Community service letters
Membership Responsibilities: Pay dues, Attend at least one HJL event/function every 6 months.
There are three types of membership: Individual, tenant association, and non-tenant organizations:
Tenant Associations: $25 per year. Every individual member of a tenant association is a voting member of HJL.
Non-tenant Organizations: sliding scale $50 to $300 per year. Non-tenant organizations will have one vote total.
Individual Membership:
$1, $5, $10, $15, or $20 a month
$12, $60, $120, $180, $240 for the year
Ways to sign up and pay dues:
Register as a member and sign up for recurring payments online (click button above).
Fill out the membership form and pay in cash or by check at HJL’s monthly mass meeting. The mass meeting is always the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm at the Rick McDevitt Youth Center, 1040 Crew St. SW. Put your payment in an HJL Dues Envelope.
You can also pay by mail. Mail checks to HJL’s treasurer at 1509 Brookcliff Circle Marietta GA 30062. On the “For” line write “HJL Membership Dues.”