Meet Atlanta's Housing Justice League


It's been almost 5 years since Occupy Our Homes Atlanta (OOHA) was launched in the wake of the worst financial crisis in modern history. Since then, OOHA has worked with homeowners, tenants, small business owners, and everyone in between to fight back against unjust foreclosures and evictions, and built an organization that is truly led by those most directly impacted.

Fast forward to today and the housing crisis in our city has taken a whole new shape. Atlanta is rapidly becoming unaffordable for regular everyday people: Rents are on the rise, affordable housing is disappearing, and people are being displaced from the communities they helped build. Our local governments more often prioritize big developers over community members, and developers are almost always out to make a quick buck without considering the needs of the people, communities, and cultures they displace.

As the fight for housing justice has evolved, so has OOHA. Over the last couple of years, OOHA has honed in on neighborhoods in South Atlanta that are facing rapid gentrification and displacement. They've worked to build tenant associations, push for more affordable housing in the city, and played a leading role in shaping the future of the communities surrounding Turner Field. As they move forward towards a new chapter, it's only fitting that they expand the work and rebrand so members can continue to take ownership of this work.


That's what prompted the launching of the Housing Justice League.

The Housing Justice League aims to help folks who are struggling with displacement, foreclosure, and eviction by organizing to win. We believe everyone should have a place to call home, and want to see an Atlanta where everyone has access to safe, adequate, and affordable housing. Now they are ready to take the movement for housing justice in Atlanta to the next level and want YOU to be a part of it.

The work has always relied on small donations from people just like you to sustain this important work. A contribution in any amount-- no matter how large or small-- helps ensure that we can continue to build a housing justice movement that fights for an Atlanta that works for everyone. We are already providing leadership development for tenant organizers, free legal clinics, and organizing infrastructure for communities and tenant associations. We have big plans in store for the future, but we need resources to make it happen.
